Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I don't know what I was thinking yesterday letting let it go inside me. I wonder if it was I the one that broke it in the first place. And then today you see the whole Palin thing. I am such a disapointment. I have been letting too many things go and not enough oppertunties to make things up. I really need to reset myself. I am just so deeply disapointed and the feeling of homelessness is starting to set in. Starting to feel the not wanting to do anything and just sleep the days away. Is it worth it? I am not happy. I am not well. I know with the way I have been feeling, I don't know if I want to go to the coffee cop thing, but I know there really hasn't been a time where I went and really regreted it or felt like it was a waste of time. But either way, I am tired of waiting. I don't want to wait anymore. I know I do miss it. I really do. But I can't.

What the faking hell I want to scream sometimes. I just want to hold on to my B and now I am struggleing to push a C. I just want to scream and then cry... Maybe it's the room, my cure...

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