Thursday, August 24, 2017


Does the count start over today? Sure know how to ruin me. Was doing well up through last week and was ok for most of this week and then little things like repeating things that has already been said again. Either someone has a worse memory than me or it's something that's told to everyone and losing track who already know so just bring it up again. More common knowledge than expected or just don't have a filter. Didn't even ask for it and still me other things came out. There's always a chance to get out as long as you don't pick up back up. But pretty much got all that I wanted answered. Almost like leading the convo to the info you want to find out. There's a goal to all convo. Gotta get what you want out of it.

Head has been hurting. Not sure why. Dehydrated? Drank a bit of water and didn't seem to help. Really didn't drink much today at all. Gotta make an effort to get more fluids in like a tea a day. Can not be deterred by anyone may run into.

Can we still be friends, can we be friends even if it ends. Justin Biebers new song. And over played Shawn Mendez and Charlie Puth, not sure which is worse. Running low on cashe, may have to dig out ladybug. See what else can be tossed in the morning. 

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