Tuesday, August 8, 2017


Not sure which day this is at this point, maybe about 2 weeks. Was doing fairly well until this weekend when there was a few moments, but at the same time the realization that there isn't really anything there. Like the podcast said, you would know, it be clear. It's all very surface level and hoping for something better to fill the void. Maybe more trying to avoid the conversation knowing where it would lead. At what point do you accept things as they are and what point you have to try and work on things vs leaving things alone. hmm... It would likely vary from situation from situation. Can't make a blanket statement or assumption.

Gotta go gotta go gotta go right now. Didn't even drink anything today. Doesn't seem to have the time or space for things. Even getting away doesn't seem to help. Tend to end up doing research and getting excited and then over my head and feeling how far are from anything meaningful. Suppose if was working at something else would not have this time on your own. Don't feel like or have the energy to go through a long lengthy paragraph of how and what.

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