Thursday, August 10, 2017


Didn't know could be so adorable. I'll take that. Feeling like hair too heavy on the top now. It'll grow out. That's what happens when try to thin it out not like t isn't thin enough. Been kinda cold and rainy this week and last even. The change in seasons and as year end approaches again.

Been one year here in this pond. Still not feeling any more useful than the first day here. More reason to gear up to move on to something else if wallowing in a shrinking pond. Rather not wait. Sometimes jump the gun but the anxieties that come with waiting is slightly killing me. What else to go through a purge. Gotta be mobile. Use more space as needed.

Not sure to respond. Timing of response. How quickly or slow to react. Don't want to be too excited nor show too little interest. Be dependable yet not be too dependable to be taken for granted. The constant balancing act and game playing.

Find out what's wrong car and purge a food item. Feed crabie. 

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