Wednesday, August 9, 2017


August 9, 2017
This isn't the moment to adhere to one particular philosophy, whatever it may be, mel. You may feel frustrated by your inability to figure out which path to take, but ultimately this is very good for you. Continue to search around with your little flashlight, as weak as it may seem to you, because this is how you are going to get solid faith back again! Best of all, it will be a faith tailored just for you!

Sure hope so. When to admit defeat. Wanting to take the easier road and not the one less traveled. As was looking around for what's out there and what they looking for, makes doubt accounting. Seems so far from the path of IT management. Maybe it's more of a boys club and for developers. Not sure still looking. See what can be found with little flash light. For now work on what will maximize value at the moment and from what can be seen from here. Who knows where this leads or how long be on this path. Maybe compliance will pop back up eventually.

Moments of flutter but fades quickly as the realization of the poor unfortunate souls. It seems all too silly to the point that's it's laughable and dramatic.

Arrival was saying neurotic people lived longer becuae the worry something maybe wrong with them and so they see the doctor sooner and more often. Not really the exciting news was hopping for but something else recently realized how unexpected people are really brains like comedians are unexpected or they ore like don't fit the traditional sense of geniuses. Expect them to act and choose professions that would match their mental capacity. To dress and look and act a certain way. Maybe it's just what mogles thinks it should look like. 

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