Saturday, August 19, 2017


Halfway is not the time to quit following your heart when it leads you through hell. Hold fast and follow through.The mind wanders what could be when it really can not be and is impatient and anxious and wanting things to be done like right now. Need to step back and see things for what they are vs longing for something that can never be. Focus back on yourself and being attractive. If there was to be any unrequited, it will be coming from me not the other way around. To be the desired one and not do any chasing. To be desirable.

So many things to clear out and to decluttered. Somehow ran into a clip of this on reddit. Rather catchy. It doesn't help my obsession for the East. The frek, why the volume has to be turned up so freking laud. Think I gotta go do things on my own vs waiting for someone to suggest it. To not be so anal about things and to just do a few things because you set your mind to have it happen.

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