Thursday, March 17, 2011


Daily Planetary Overview
Don't start anything new until after lunch unless you want a project to go nowhere. This evening people think the grass is greener in some bizarre way. The person across the room isn't more fascinating. The "greener" is just lots of the color on St. Patrick's Day.


Today, the Magician and Justice emphasize the need for stability and security in your romantic life. This means that you will be looking to get reassurance from your loved one much more than normal, dear mel... And this is a potential source of danger today. Try not to be too insistent and forceful when demanding that reassurance. After all, "Rome wasn't built in a day." Professionally, you’ll be concentrating on working towards long-term perspectives. You’ll be showing great perseverance and tact in order to advance your goals, and you’re mainly concerned with being constructive. Under the aegis of Temperance and Justice, you are slowly building your little nest, by consolidating the bits and pieces you already have. This approach is clearly going to bear fruit.

I sure hope so. I guess today I tried to look for it. Not sure why I just accepted the idea that it was gone and didn't bother to look for it. I was bumed and lost. I had hope if it returned or if I found another one I would have some direction. Not like I could count on anyone else. It's just me and you.

Got to love the idea of being overworked and underpaid. Not sure if it's the thing for me. Doesn't mean I can't give it a a try. Most attempts are usually futile isn't it? It sounds pretty gloomy from what David said. I am starting to get these headaches. I hope they are not all related to this missery. I tried to sleep better, get more sleep, chance of pillow. Just not sure what I can do about it. It won't be easy. Since when have I ever taken the easy route? I like it hard after all right? If it's not, then is it really worth doing?

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