Saturday, January 29, 2011

The End

It is really right around the corner. May not seem like such a good thing right now, but hopefully something good will come of it. No one really lasts in their first job let alone their first relation. Knew the day would come. Now only looking back if there was anything I could have done to held on it longer.. Todays taro was even about changes.. At work, today will be a day for changes. Judgement and the Magician are conspiring to get a fresh wind blowing in your everyday routine. What will it be? A new client, an unexpected trip? Something will definitely be happening. And whatever it is, you will be invigorated and excited by it! What do they say? A change is as good as a holiday. Though is has a positive spin on it, we shall see. Hopefully it won't be too disheartening. Lately I feel I have been abandoned. Not sure, leaves me with a longing feeling. Guess this would give me more time to farm. More time for me, myself and I. I don't think I am angry. Maybe just don't want to know right now. But it's something I am going to have to face. I think I should be angry, but am too distracted to be angry or upset right now. Maybe a good thing for the moment. But for how long?

Thursday, January 27, 2011


I don't think it has gotten much better. Still as crappie if not crappier. I did reframe myself from contact. I just need to keep coming up with excuses. Nose is all stuffed up. Missery loves company it sure does. Still need to find time to pluck hairs. Sure got plenty of them for the week. No sense in saving them. Just taking up space. If you really wanted them, you would have come to get them. Else, do what you have to do. I wonder if I can through them at work? There's always an excuse for everything. I just depends if you to listen and to buy it. You have heard some really rediculious excuses, some you choose to ignore. Others not. What you want this time? I just want to work on getting better and being on my way. Just to be doing my own thing. But it's funny how the one that's more attentive I do not care for much, when it's the one that leaves me alone I long for.. Why is it so? Is it the longing for what I can not have? Or is it knowing the one that wants you will be there till it's no longer there. Why does one long for things you can not have?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

To the Jerks of the World

Think a good part of it has to do that I feel like carps right now and are more concerned about my own well being than anything else at the moment. Rather than blasting them right now, I shall wait. Sister? Really sister? And you call her a friend? Seriously? Give me a break. I am so sick of being called that. Maybe it's something on my end I need to change to be less sisterly. I want to say it could be the glasses. It's just manly cloths, that's not that difficult. So what now? Got some things done today, but not all. Watched some vampire diaries to indulge myself and changed the fishies. There's still a few lose ends. Still got tomorrow. Hopefully I'll feel better in the morning and will get more things done.

Not sure what was going with all the fellas today, all a no show. Coincidence? I'm not sure, but it's uncanny. Though I'm starting to not care and have become uninterested. Like they say, don't be too available. Else they won't cherish your time.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I don't mean to rain on your parade, but it's not what you need to focus on right now... Overall I am just not well and it's not just you, it's everyone on my case again today and not well health wise. I am getting to the point of not knowing what to do with myself. At the same time I am hoping this would all pass. Yet what to do in the mean time? Are there other opportunities? Should they be perused? A part of me wants to and not knowing there it may lead. But I got a feeling that it wouldn't lead anywhere, so that maybe part of the reason. Or at least a good chunk of it.


Or more like unwellness. It has been awhile that you figure that we all eventually fall ill at one time or another if it doesn't kill you first. Been chugging the orange juice of late. As much as you may dislike Jay, I still like him. He has this easy going dushbaggery about him.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Bitter Resentment

Your Horoscope - Today, Jan. 20, 2011
If the tension has been accumulating for the past several weeks, this might be the day to snap, mel! You can expect to encounter some flack from people today, as they argue with you about your approach to life on any subject ranging from work to child rearing. Meanwhile, your inner time bomb is ticking away! Take a deep breath and brace yourself for the explosion! And remember the quiet that comes after the storm.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Fear Sets In

Daily Planetary Overview
The Moon in Aries forms an opposition to Saturn today, making it seem hard to move forward on your plans. You may need to take more time to nurture your relationships with others or consider their points of view before you can take the action you want to take.

Your Horoscope - Today, Jan. 11, 2011
Feelings of inferiority may be a real problem for you today, mel. Ask yourself where this comes from. What could cause you to feel as though you aren't good enough or as good as someone else? Search your past for clues to the root of this attitude about yourself to see if you can nail down the source and rectify it. No one ever needs to feel inferior. These feelings are often only symptomatic.

January 11, 2011

It’s difficult to approach your personal affairs in a cheery frame of mind today, dear mel… Justice imposes a certain rigidity in your dealings with others and this translates into an initial coldness and an eventual divide between you and the people you care about. The demands of your family, your friends or even your partner create complications and disagreements that weigh you down and constrain you. Take some time alone to think things over… Professionally, you’ll be concentrating on working towards long-term perspectives. You’ll be showing great perseverance and tact in order to advance your goals, and you’re mainly concerned with being constructive. Under the aegis of Temperance and Justice, you are slowly building your little nest, by consolidating the bits and pieces you already have. This approach is clearly going to bear fruit.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Good Lord *Pinch*

Daily Planetary Overview
Venus, the planet of love and money, transitions into fiery Sagittarius today, expanding your relationship and financial opportunities. You may feel a pull to take more risks during the monthlong period of this transit as you explore new possibilities and open up to any adventures that come your way.

Your Horoscope - Today, Jan. 7, 2011
Things are looking up for you today, and you will find that your emotional status is very good, mel. You have a keen eye for love and beauty, and you will know by the look in someone's eye that they are more interested in getting close to you than you first thought. Feel free to take the lead in romantic situations. Your heart knows which way to lead you.

Taro: Today you may be feeling a bit like a hermit crab emotionally, mel. The Moon and the High Priestess are making you liable to keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself rather than share them with the one you love. This is going to make it difficult to have a happy and fulfilling day! Don’t be so suspicious and things will go more smoothly. Today, you’ll be astonishing everyone at work with your creativity – including yourself! In fact, you seem to come up with one good idea every minute, the only problem is (and that’s indicated by the combination of the Star and the Moon): you find it difficult to put theory into practice. You display an obvious lack of realism, and people might pick on that. If you’re an artist or work in a creative environment, however, this is your day!