Wednesday, June 20, 2012

So Lovely

Maybe a chrono version of that one would be best.  I shall keep looking.  The issue I guess is that I do not know what I want.  Brand vs color vs cost vs use us coolness.  Really no idea, guess can be happy with any.  Maybe I do need to look for a purple one with numbers.  Oh well, it's just more research.  It's sure nice.  I already have one in theory.  I also don't need one, but I think I would be okay with anything.  I like them all, the picts online really don't do them justice. 

So lately I have been worried about a shift in duties.  Not sure if I will understand it or even enjoy it.  I don't like begin stuck on a problem.  I worry even more even if I ask someone, still don't understand and still stuck and the realization that you are just stupid.  No one can explain it to you so you can understand because you just understand.  I have been trying to look the part.  Trying to make myself believe in it first.  Think that's half the battle. 

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