Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Breaking Point

Been having a few moments of discomfort.  Like being pinged by small needles, so how much of it you can take before you move.  I don't know if I have made it to that point yet.  Maybe this whole blog this isn't such a bad idea.  Just keeping it incognito.  I want to some extend to work on one thing at a time.  The whole house thing is really throwing a kink in things.  I feel itchy like always getting bitten by bugs sucking the life out of me.  DO I move or slap it?  No one seems to be on the same page on the house.  I want to just throw the while book in the fire.  Always saying you young people don't know anything and how you think everything is so easy.  I just want to do something about it.  I don't have a lot of time now.  I just need to do what I can.  Always looking for where my next meal may come from.  At least I got some idea buzzing around with selling grass among other things.  Lets not dwell on the things that bother you and do the things you want to for a moment....

I left my lime green post it note at work this time.  I was going to say again, but it's a different place this time.  See if I remember it tomorrow.  Sitting and typing is such a pain.  There has to be a better way to do this.  It's just not working.  I like my layout, but at the same time I want to change the image and keep the words.  I itch, yet see nothing.  Wonder if they are ghost blood suckers?

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