Friday, April 1, 2011

You're So Fluffy it's Killing Me

These pimples are killing me. They are everywhere. So sudden. So bitter suddenly. All that is lacking. It's not like anyone is holding back? Is it? No one wants it to be this way. I feel slightly lacking in purpose when in the end it seems all for to be nothing. I am also bothered that fishes are not well. No sign so far or improvement. I don't seem to spell very well nor do I seem to have much attention to details. It's sad really. What they all need I do not have.

Not good signs so far. All seems to hit a dead end. Makes me feel like not doing anything at this moment. Like nothing is worth doing. So many I'll sit tight for now and take care of myself for a bit. It gets slow towards the end of the week. It's funny how they disappear, like nothing ever happened. I feel as though I am lacking. Maybe starting to feel slightly depressed. I need a baked good to get myself out of this slump. Bake my way of this maybe.

I don't want to spend so much time one this and to get burned. I don't want to think so much on this. Similar to an issue that someone else has at the moment. The difference is that I don't get upset when I don't hear back.

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