Monday, April 4, 2011


Maybe too many soaps make me sad, but it did remind me of something that happened to me one time. Something I don't want to remember yet not want to forget.

It's something I have always had issues with. More than now than ever. To trust in the moment? Can that be? The opposite of controlling. Giving into the moment, giving it the opportunity to prove itself. So much fear and lack of trust. We don't trust ourselves. Trust cant be earned, but given. One way to allow people to make mistakes. But still worth giving. Alternative is fear and control. Your trust is expecting what the world can never give. To trust even if they let you down and to trust again. They get better at deserving that trust.

The more I look at positions, the less interested I am becoming. I am losing expectations except to look for more jobs and to go on more interviews. At least the one good news is that the chicken fruit salad sub is returning. But what I really long for was the artichoke spread sub. That one was really good. Unfortunatly it came out during the time I was getting sick of subs and only had it once.

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