Thursday, December 16, 2010

Insetteling Dreams

Daily Planetary Overview
The Moon moves into easygoing Taurus today and later forms harmonious trine aspects to the planets of power (Pluto) and communication (Mercury). You can relax today and trust that you don't have to try too hard to get your point across.

Your Horoscope - Today, Dec. 16, 2010
Love is coming your way today, mel, and for some reason, things just seem to be flowing easily and naturally in this area of your life. The thing to watch for is to make sure you don't get distracted by something that seems bigger, better, and brighter than what you already have. Remember that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Don't throw away the good things you've got.

This one really hit like a ton of bricks. It's related to this morning's some what vivid dream and passing thoughts of going after something for a moment thought could be better for some reason..

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