Saturday, September 13, 2008

oh Wow

Daily Planetary Overview
Lessons need to be learned in terms of your relationships today. With Venus trine Chiron, your partner, friends, co-workers, and clients will all teach you something about how to treat others and bring out your humanitarian side. Your Horoscope - Today, September 13, 2008
Make sure there is an equal amount of give and take in your day, melly. Sometimes when you love someone you just want to keep giving and giving in order to illustrate your incredible love for them. Be sure that you are not draining yourself of valuable energy that you need for yourself. Also be sure that the people you are giving to are also giving their fair share in return.

Your Horoscope - Today, September 13, 2008
Make sure there is an equal amount of give and take in your day, melly. Sometimes when you love someone you just want to keep giving and giving in order to illustrate your incredible love for them. Be sure that you are not draining yourself of valuable energy that you need for yourself. Also be sure that the people you are giving to are also giving their fair share in return.

If I already know it won't be returned, why should I still give? Or should I still give? Do I give only to want something in return? To give and expect nothing. Can I do that? Or am I just letting myself be used? Would you let someone use you just because you know they may need it? But always be mindful to never hurt yourself or let anyone ever hurt you. But from what I know so far, it's not good. Might not be as good for me as I thought, not dependable.

Oh Dear

Your Lovescope - Today, September 13, 2008
Today may hold special significance for you, especially as you have such a nostalgic feeling about people from your past. Someone you once knew may come back into your life like a bolt from the blue, bringing back associated memories. Whatever may have happened back then, it could create a few ripples as you attempt to come to terms with certain issues now.

Didn't this one more or less smack the nail right on the head. Scary isn't it? Suddenly a text and a call. You think it will happen again? What should I do about this? I should try to figure out what's really going on before I jump to conclusions and then adjust accordingly.

Be sensative to other people situation and be understanding throught campasion.

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