Friday, September 12, 2008


It has been awhile since I have done this, dinker around changing colors and formate. But no matter how I change it or think I know what I want. I end up with what I had orginally. Nothing seems to compare to it. As much as I seek something different, I am just comfortable with what I have now.

It's certain now, he's an arsehole. Not dependable, not socialable. He doens't need friends nor does he want any. I don't see him trying. I am starting to think it's all just an act. Something under laying. There were hints before, they don't seem to lead to anything. I am still hoping, but I still dout. Just too absent and uncaring for me. But if he wants to play this game, then bring it. I will not be outplayed or be played. You will see. I will play your game and I shall do so without fail. If it's mind games you want, then that's what you will get.

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