Sunday, September 14, 2008


Help others out when they need it. Luck often comes in the form of help when you need it, and the best way to grease the rails for help when you'll eventually need it is by helping others out now. If you're presented with an opportunity to help -- particularly one that you can fulfill without infringing on your other responsibilities -- the luckiest thing you can possibly do is help with all you can.

Don't expect something in return. Instead, just enjoy the experience of helping that person and the stronger relationship you're building. That relationship will be there for you later on in your time of need.


There are a few things I have noticed that I have been doing lately like Keep a notepad and a pen handy at all times and Keep a reasonable amount of cash on you at all times I have learned from Mu as well as Be social. I have also been tring to Establish relationships with many people who share your interests, but that more or less got me to meet some lets just say interesting people that didn't turn out so well. But something learned. But it was thoes two paragraphs above that really meant something to me. It was something I forgot lately and needed to be reminded of it. For it's in the Bible as well as all around me. Just to give selflessly.

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