Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Jay Chou

He's amazing isn't he? He knows how to make you feel better, There is no other like him really. I so love this song. It's very near and dear to me.

If you have too many complaints towards this world ...
When you fall down you don't dare to continue walking forward ...
How many people bravely try hard to continue walking for their life...

Shouldn't we be content with what we have? ...
You should cherish everything even if you don't possess it ...
Don't cry, let the fireflies lead you to escape ...
Don't be so easy to give up, it's just like I say ...
For dreams you can't achieve, switch it for another and it'll be fine ...
Put some colour into your life, firstly paint the colour you like on love...
Come on and smile, merit and fame aren't the goals ...
Let yourself be happy, this is what you call meaning ...
The paper airplane from my childhood, it's finally flown back to my hand now ...

It's all my fav from this song.

If you have too many complaints towards this world
When you fall down you don't dare to continue walking forward
Why must people be so weak, depraved
I ask you to turn on the TV and see
How many people bravely try hard to continue walking for their life
Shouldn't we be content with what we have?
You should cherish everything even if you don't possess it
I still remember you said your home was the only castle,
you continue to run with the fragrance of the rice and the flowing river
Smiling, the dreams when you were young, I know
Don't cry, let the fireflies lead you to escape,
the eternal dependence of the folk song in the country
Just go home
Go back to the happiness at the very start
Don't be so easy to give up, it's just like I say
For dreams you can't achieve, switch it for another and it'll be fine
Put some colour into your life, firstly paint the colour you like on love
Come on and smile, merit and fame aren't the goals
Let yourself be happy, this is what you call meaning
The paper airplane from my childhood, it's finally flown back to my hand now
That so called happiness, running barefoot in the fields chasing crickets and getting tired
Picking fruits without permission and getting scared from being stung by bees, who's sniggering?
I lean on the scarecrow while being blown by the wind while singing while sleeping
Oh oh, if the sunshine sprinkles on the road then I won't be afraid of being broken-hearted
You should cherish everything even if you don't possess it
I still remember you said your home was the only castle,
you continue to run with the fragrance of the rice and the flowing river
Smiling, dreams when you were young, I know
Don't cry, let the fireflies lead you to escape,
t he eternal dependence of the folk song in the country
Just go home
Go back to the happiness at the very start

Besides that, yesterday was interesting. Not like I felt much playing footsie. But it was fun in a cute warm way. It was nice.

Monday, September 29, 2008


This weekend manythoughts came and gone. And like the wind it was gone. So easily it changes like the wind blowing in a different direction.

But enough of that, I'll get over it quick.. Thank the lord for helping me with Jay Chou's new Capricorn CD, it really is love <3 There really is none like him. Always there to cheer me up when I really need it.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Sagittarius:(November 22 - December 20)You enjoy a good time, but often your idea of fun is different from that of your friends. There are times when you'll pass on a good party to attend a lecture on a highly intellectual subject that would bore most people. You probably came to terms with frivolity in lifetimes in which you learned most of what you knew from observing life. You do that still, but you prefer intellectual puzzles.

So is that really me or do I just want to be like that?

Take a moment to think before you act. Your Horoscope - Today, September 25, 2008
You enjoy caring for others and you intervene regularly in their lives to guide them. Ironically, today, you are the one who needs advice. You will probably need to get away from it all in order to get a clear view of your own life. You could decide, today, to take the necessary arrangements for a trip abroad.

Trip? What trip? But I do need to rethink some things and take a slight change in direction to get back on track.

**pictures sure do make things all nice and purdy

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Wishful Thinking?

Your Lovescope - Today, September 20, 2008
A certain conversation today yields far more fruit than you would ever have imagined. Not only does the person involved have superb romantic potential, but they also fit your list of requirements for the perfect relationship. Although you may be worried about losing this great opportunity, you need not be; they are even more worried than you, so talk some more.

I feel like it's going to tear my stomach apart inside. But I got nothing to lose except the tape. Decesions decesion decesion which do not matter.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Sometimes no matter how I think i want better or think what I have is not good enough and I go out to seek something better only to find that what I orgainal had was the best. Maybe it just need some color or a little care and it seems all the better. I just didn't see the potential that it had.

It's not what you say, it's what you do. Give me a reason to beleive.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Your Horoscope - Today, September 16, 2008
Today you should be glowing with good health, energy and stamina - and also be doing very well work wise, whether this is housework, volunteer work, or a personal project of your own. Success should be coming your way on all fronts, melly, particularly since you've been working very hard and are finally likely to see the results of your past efforts. Success feeds good health, and good health feeds success. Make the most of both!

The volunteer work is freaky. And even I know I don't usually do that one. I just assumed that is all applyed to school work. The finally likely to see the results of your past efforts could mean the finished panda project. Still so freaky isn't it?


I am rather tired today. It may help if I get something to eat. But that's another issue. Sometimes I wonder if this is all a big joke. But I still have a promise to keep that I still need to fullfill. No matter my personal oponion. I can not let that get in the way. But do I have to find a reason? I think there should be a reason although the reason may not be clear. But everything oddly enough has had a way of working themself out. No matter how seemingly impossible it maybe. It makes me wonder who or what had a hand in making things happen.

I am very curious about it. I fantasy too much and set myself up for disapointment.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Help others out when they need it. Luck often comes in the form of help when you need it, and the best way to grease the rails for help when you'll eventually need it is by helping others out now. If you're presented with an opportunity to help -- particularly one that you can fulfill without infringing on your other responsibilities -- the luckiest thing you can possibly do is help with all you can.

Don't expect something in return. Instead, just enjoy the experience of helping that person and the stronger relationship you're building. That relationship will be there for you later on in your time of need.

from http://blogs.moneycentral.msn.com/smartspending/archive/2008/09/12/10-tactics-for-improving-your-luck.aspx

There are a few things I have noticed that I have been doing lately like Keep a notepad and a pen handy at all times and Keep a reasonable amount of cash on you at all times I have learned from Mu as well as Be social. I have also been tring to Establish relationships with many people who share your interests, but that more or less got me to meet some lets just say interesting people that didn't turn out so well. But something learned. But it was thoes two paragraphs above that really meant something to me. It was something I forgot lately and needed to be reminded of it. For it's in the Bible as well as all around me. Just to give selflessly.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

oh Wow

Daily Planetary Overview
Lessons need to be learned in terms of your relationships today. With Venus trine Chiron, your partner, friends, co-workers, and clients will all teach you something about how to treat others and bring out your humanitarian side. Your Horoscope - Today, September 13, 2008
Make sure there is an equal amount of give and take in your day, melly. Sometimes when you love someone you just want to keep giving and giving in order to illustrate your incredible love for them. Be sure that you are not draining yourself of valuable energy that you need for yourself. Also be sure that the people you are giving to are also giving their fair share in return.

Your Horoscope - Today, September 13, 2008
Make sure there is an equal amount of give and take in your day, melly. Sometimes when you love someone you just want to keep giving and giving in order to illustrate your incredible love for them. Be sure that you are not draining yourself of valuable energy that you need for yourself. Also be sure that the people you are giving to are also giving their fair share in return.

If I already know it won't be returned, why should I still give? Or should I still give? Do I give only to want something in return? To give and expect nothing. Can I do that? Or am I just letting myself be used? Would you let someone use you just because you know they may need it? But always be mindful to never hurt yourself or let anyone ever hurt you. But from what I know so far, it's not good. Might not be as good for me as I thought, not dependable.

Oh Dear

Your Lovescope - Today, September 13, 2008
Today may hold special significance for you, especially as you have such a nostalgic feeling about people from your past. Someone you once knew may come back into your life like a bolt from the blue, bringing back associated memories. Whatever may have happened back then, it could create a few ripples as you attempt to come to terms with certain issues now.

Didn't this one more or less smack the nail right on the head. Scary isn't it? Suddenly a text and a call. You think it will happen again? What should I do about this? I should try to figure out what's really going on before I jump to conclusions and then adjust accordingly.

Be sensative to other people situation and be understanding throught campasion.

Friday, September 12, 2008


It has been awhile since I have done this, dinker around changing colors and formate. But no matter how I change it or think I know what I want. I end up with what I had orginally. Nothing seems to compare to it. As much as I seek something different, I am just comfortable with what I have now.

It's certain now, he's an arsehole. Not dependable, not socialable. He doens't need friends nor does he want any. I don't see him trying. I am starting to think it's all just an act. Something under laying. There were hints before, they don't seem to lead to anything. I am still hoping, but I still dout. Just too absent and uncaring for me. But if he wants to play this game, then bring it. I will not be outplayed or be played. You will see. I will play your game and I shall do so without fail. If it's mind games you want, then that's what you will get.


I haven't been feeling well this week. Just got home and have not really been able to sleep. I woke up today at 6am and went to sleep at around 11. Been wondering why we meet the people that we do in our lives. Some have potential, others not so much. I can feel myself going back to that place. Falling back into old ways that I worked so had to change. But the feeling is still there, still so strong. Maybe it's time for You Love is a Lie again. And Leaving to get me through this, it really doesn't help to listening to Crush. But it does help to keep things in perspective.

But this week things have bee going well. Haven't had that feeling in a long time and it's nice. I really like how simple it is and especially how complicated I like to make it. But I shall let it go for it's a promise I made and I need to keep it. But there are signs. So we'll see where they lead me. I been listening to
Ajahn Brahm and it has keep things light hearted especially his hermit story about how we never know what ends up happening as much as we like to think we know what we want and are doing. But whatever happens, it's a good thing as long as we make the choice and whatever the result it is, whoever it may seen like at the moment, may or may not turn out to be a positive to negative thing in the long run.

To have desires.

It has been a good week overall, can't say I did all that well on that quiz, but overall social life it was good, it was fun and then an interesting call. I'm actually getting tired now, but I also want to watch tv as well. I no longer bother with time much, but I do keep it in mind. Too tired to think about it now. It was on my mind b4, but now I lost it and am just too tired and hungie to find it. We'll see later.