Monday, April 15, 2013

What's Your Secret?

Hi Tiffany!

As far as advice, I would generally just tell you a few things that worked for me. Here's a list off the top of my head.1. Work like a mutherf**ker. Seriously. Most people are so lazy,

they do just enough work not to get fired and not a bit more. If you

work hard, you'll be head and shoulders above 90% of the lazy asses out


2. Have good ethics. I remember I did a speech to college kids about this last fall. I don't know you well, but I'm sure you have good ethics. I fired two interns a couple of months ago because I asked them to go the ATM to get money so I could buy everyone breakfast. They actually checked my account balance at the ATM and I found out and fired them both. One said, "Don't I get one mistake?" And I said, "A mistake is playing the wrong commericial or spilling water on the computer. Checking my balance wasn't a mistake, it was deliberate." Okay, you get the point.

3. Help other people get what THEY want. If people know you'll make them look good, they'll love you for it.

4. Believe that you're good enough and you deserve to do well. For years and years, I put up with being treated

like crap because I didn't really think I was good enough to be treated any differently. Believe that you deserve the best. (of course, you have to have evidence that you deserve the best, not just a sense of entitlement!)

5. Don't stay too long at a job that doesn't promote you or move you up. The old saying is, "Sometimes you have to move out in order to move up." SO true.

6. Take risks. Take that job you're not sure if you're qualified for. Or take that class you're not sure you

can afford. Don't take dumb risks like smoking meth while skydiving! :) And forgive yourself and move on if you fail!

7. Your friends become your luck. If you have great people as friends, you'll have good luck. If you have bad people as friends, you'll have bad luck.

8. Kids are super-expensive and having a kid you can't afford is the first falling domino in a lifetime of being poor. Don't have a baby that you can't pay for all by yourself and don't have a baby with a guy who's never shown any responsibility in other areas of his life.

And last but not least, I'm a BIG fan of Anthony Robbins, the motivational speaker. If you can find one of his books, read it cover to cover or better yet, if you can get one of his audio programs, they're amazing. You listen for an hour or so every day and do the simple project he asks you to do. You can really get focused on what you want your life to be like and you can make it happen! He's really been a huge influence in just about every area of my life!Hope that helps!Dave

You beleive it?

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