Monday, April 29, 2013

Evil Melly

I can't seem to get this to be big enough. Anyways, I can't seem to get enough done in a day and take too much time dwelling on things.


Now I am depressed again. It's the first day of May and it's snowing. And that's not really the cause of the bad part, but it's the carmal corn from walgreens was not very tasty and some of the dry apple pieces were bitter as well. Not a good day for snacks. Just seem like not a good day for anything. Seems like can't have a day where nothing goes wrong. And now miss a holiday code. What's more frustraiting is that right now I can't see how they are over paid if they are to be paid ot anyways. So that's what's really urking me. In my mind it would be the same. I get back to the old habbit of looking at the clock and making a judgement that there's not enough time for anything and do nothing. But I can't let this or rejection get me down. As it's their goal to stall you. I told you that I did not like the u and there was a reason for it. The reason appears again. More reason to dissaprove of them. I just feel like I can't do anything right now. How to fix this? Let me ponder and regain my focus...

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