Monday, July 8, 2013


Good lord, don't remember the last time it was so hot I was really sweating and melting like ice cream. It's not really bad here, just not use to it. But I do need to develop new habits. This weekend was kind of urkish, some things were said that made me think and bother me. Am I really that much of a bee to honey? I do want to spend it but I don't think it's really like that at all or is it? Just because I wasn't something doesn't mean I am crazy over it.

I don't think I would feel smarter over night, it's just something to develop your thinking. I guess one thing I do like here is that there is a timer at the bottom so I can not dinker around as much.  I'm trying to think if I should pick up my meds now or later, but I will have to get them eventually.  I am trying to do more things.  To come up with my own patterns and reasoning.  Although they will not be 100% I need to tip the odds in my favor even if its a way of thinking. I thought I had less time, but I have more now. Anything too twinkly bothers me. At first I was burning up and now I actually am starting to feel cold. Now what is with the scary music? 

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