Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Jumping the Gun

Getting ahead of myself a little. Still feeling very disorganized.  Getting a little too excited too soon. How I am so easily swayed by food.  Maybe I should eat more food so I am not as tempted.  I feel disorganized.  I feel the only way to make it better is to get rid of stuff.  But I have a hard time of letting things go.  I don't need many, but feel eventually it will wear out and will need another.  I really need to get the Target stull posted as I am running on of time to return them if it does not sell.  I really don't want to keep $75 worth of stuff I may not use.  I need to sell more stuff so I can get a better rep on ebay, think that may help me sell.  Purple is still the cool trend, makes me want to freak.  I hope I get what I am hoping for on Thur or Fri that it usually happens.  I really do hope so.  Almost lost track of things.  The idea of cancer scares me, the pain of it more than anything.  But I think I'm doing plenty of cancer causing agents, should I really be adding more to it?  

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