Thursday, September 27, 2012


Can't rely or depend on anyone.  I need to rant a bit.  I guess I don't want to be like her and to vent to someone else that really can't do anything.  Sleep is really in the mind, one can run on pure rage in itself.  I know it's late and I have an even longer day tomorrow.  It will be a good day.  Need to only look out for your own good.  I can't do and act in what others want all the time.  I try to be good and only get the short end of the stick.  She vents on the phone why my temper if so bad and it's all since him and getting older it's like that.  You really think that true?  No one really knows or wants to face what is really going on.  I really an getting  to the point of I just can't stand to see it anymore.  At least all the images fit.  I feel a smidg better after some time has passes and as I start to feel tired.  There are something I need to take care of in the morning.  You will get no sympathy from the devil.  Or was it sympathy from the devil. Not sure, either way I was not getting any. Something does need to change, didn't get a chance to iron. Hopefully tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

So Many

 Kind of miss them, but I have not been able to find one that can fit as many.  Oh well, maybe one will appear when you least expect it.  The bob is super cute.  Not sure if it's a look I can pull off myself.  Am so tired, have been recently been consumed by some material things if you had not noticed.  Big Buddha Addison and Coach Penelope.  Not sure which or what, but it's something to hunt for.  It was more of a accident I run into it, but it's all about the hunt.  I need to focus on other things for a bit and be careful not to be consumed by it as it easily happens.  Got some ironing to try tomorrow, hopefully will make scarf more flat finally.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Jumping the Gun

Getting ahead of myself a little. Still feeling very disorganized.  Getting a little too excited too soon. How I am so easily swayed by food.  Maybe I should eat more food so I am not as tempted.  I feel disorganized.  I feel the only way to make it better is to get rid of stuff.  But I have a hard time of letting things go.  I don't need many, but feel eventually it will wear out and will need another.  I really need to get the Target stull posted as I am running on of time to return them if it does not sell.  I really don't want to keep $75 worth of stuff I may not use.  I need to sell more stuff so I can get a better rep on ebay, think that may help me sell.  Purple is still the cool trend, makes me want to freak.  I hope I get what I am hoping for on Thur or Fri that it usually happens.  I really do hope so.  Almost lost track of things.  The idea of cancer scares me, the pain of it more than anything.  But I think I'm doing plenty of cancer causing agents, should I really be adding more to it?  

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


 I run into some images today that I have been using recently. Ideas run through my mind, but not a single one settles. Always seem too tired to make it into anything.  The thought or idea seems like a good one, but when it comes down to getting it done, it seems okay to push it off or to be too tired to do it. It gets difficult to read the screen as the dark scratches covers up words.  More of an inconvenience than anything else. Haven't farmed or anything in so long.

  • post card
  • eye exam
  • health survey 
  • ship books 
  • clip nails 

Try not to make the list so long, want something manageable.  Focus...