Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Later Never Comes Does It?

I guess most of it has to do with me being too tired and it seems like we got so much going on. So much to consider. I think I am starting to get use to this whole new gig.

Your Horoscope - Today, Sept. 29, 2010
You are good at justifying things in order to make yourself feel better about certain events and emotional difficulties, Melly. Just make sure that you are not doing yourself a disservice by doing so. It could be that you are trying to cover up the very emotions that could actually help you. Above all, you need to be honest with yourself, or else you may end up getting yourself in a bigger emotional pickle than you started out in.

This is something I worry about. I don't know if I am doing myself a disservice by doing so. So much to catch up on and so much to do.

Beginning of the End

Sept 4, 2010

It's something I have tried my best to prepare for. It's still tough nether the less. S many words to use. What was to be a good week turned out to be a miserable one. So miserable. But I think I will make it through it one way or another. I will come out alright. It won't be so bad. Things will be okay. I will deal with it. I pray for things to work out in everyone's best interest. I really mean that in the most unselfish way I can.

You can't avoid things forever. I will try my best to make lemon aid.

Decisions Decisions

Aug 31, 2010

I worry I may miss out on something. I guess I never really did the math to find out what 15hr really makes and no benefits either. Can I really get by with that much or should I say little? My parents are able to do it with less. Sure they have a lot of help and it's not like I am not getting any either. It will make things more steady. I fear I have had too much freedom and in the corp world be so different. More rules and regulations.

I should be angry, I should be mad, I should not feel bad.

After this incident, I am starting not to feel as bad. I try to understand they got business to do. I really do but at what expense? So come to the realization of how little I am getting and how much expenses there are. I figure that working once a week I can still barely make enough for parking. I overall make less than 30k, more like 28k before takes - 15%. so it's about 25k at the end. But it's more than I ever made. I know it's not much. But it's sure better than nothing. I guess I have never really lived on my own to really know how much you need to pay to get paid. I wish this place would have worked out. It seems kind of odd that it's open ended. I guess it's like open ended relationships. I wonder if I get a cube. Tummy is not sitting well. Not sure if it's the pizza or it's the stress. Don't call it just stress because it is a big deal. I also have the red to deal with this week hopefully. 15 doesn't seem to cut it especially so far. But years ago I told myself I would follow in pigeon's foot steps. It's not like I wanted to or at least not that I know purposely steered myself into that direction. It's a feeling that I knew was going to happen. But then again. I feel like may things have already happened before. 240 for parking a month. I don't even spend that much on cloths. Oh good Lord, and another one is here for another meeting. Now this is really getting depressing. Not sure how I am going to pull this off, but will have to one way or another. It's just not very important to them is it?

I feel like shitting myself at this point. I really do. But no matter, time will still pass and things will be as they be. No reason to fuss over it. A part of me wishes I could head, but it maybe better off not. As today I been distracted by other things. I had not really have time to question other things like where the jerk as been. Not sure, but up to this point, don't care. To a point I feel sick. Oh great, it sure sounds boring. I get bored too easily it seems.


Aug 30, 2010

I am not sure if they so tasty if I saved them. But the zinger as tasty as they maybe, the bbq snakes are also acting up. Not a good day. The take of it is too smokey for my taste. I did really like the popcorn.

A few things to get done this week. More things to get done this evening. I need to..

-Whip out an card.