Sunday, March 28, 2010


Not sure if this whole weather blogging thing works or not. But it's a nice Sunday today which I haven't had in a while where it has been nice and quite. It was funny to see how mom was all excited over the idea of a mp3 player. Seems fine, but overall something is off. I am not sure, but then again it is not unusual. So we play the waiting game here. My thoughts are all over the place. So for the most part right now is just going with the flow if thoughts. I guess I shouldn't worry too much about the minor details. It's not like a song or two is going to make or break it. As they say, there are plenty of fish in the sea. I would really like a job. It would help me. But I know this will not be an easy task. But I am willing to try and to do my best. The whole ripping thing sure likes to take its time. There are many things I should eat, but not sure if I want to eat. I just need to make it as something I have to do in order to eat. Sad isn't it? If eating isn't on the list I may just skip it? Oh well, you know what? If it works for them then you should just leave it be. Some people are just stuck in their ways. No use changing them if they don't want to be changed. And what's with the bumps under my eye? Of all the places that are hard to get at they choose there. Maybe they got smarter and figured it out.

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