Thursday, March 25, 2010

Dan Tot

I just went to wash my face with the cleansing pads and it has left white spotting on my fingers. I am not sure if it's due to dryness or what. But it is really freaking me out. It doesn't hurt, but it looks pretty bad.

I know for the past week and more, I have been on the slow side. Today was perhaps the first day I actually felt like doing something. I know I have been bummed of late of news that brings me up and down. Even today there was an interview to be a youth coordinator that I did worry for a split moment and then it was gone. I just didn't seem to really care. I don't think it went that poorly form the perspective that I didn't prepare for it at all. Sometimes I think it's who can fake it the best gets it. True to form.

A lot seems to be riding on tomorrow. No idea how this iriver thing works. It turns on but not off and then there's files missing.

~Late Night~
It has been awhile since it has been like this. Maybe been having it too good. But the message is rather suspicious. But one can make up whatever one wants when asked. Seems to be good at that. Now I just need to figure out what I should do. I am rather tired. I should just stop checking. But I do want to check on the farm. Then I will sleep. I have been slightly productive today or rather this evening. The past week less so. I may have too much riding on this one thing.

It's something I started last week. It has been quite addicting, but I want to manage it better. The constant checking is daunting.

~Nagging Tasks~
I still have a lot of things to go through. The imagination tends to run. But in the end it doesn't matter really. But I want to protect myself. The spots have faded o my finger. I am glad. Today I was starting to feel resentful but I did not let myself get too deep before i stopped or more or less changed the direction of it. But it doesn't help no one is there to listen. There's always God.

Please help me dear Lord to get through this. To calm myself.

The scope for tomorrow, how interesting. Oh temper temper, we shall see..

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