Thursday, July 18, 2013

Cold and Hot

Can't really find anything.  At least this time I packed everything I think I would need. But I ears still hurt from the buds. Even the smallest ones are still too big. That B doesn't answer me. Good lord the dude at the library has the same freaking ring that freaks me out that it's me.

Change Happens, Get Use to It

That dude has been at it for awhile. Maybe I should pick up some dinner mints. They are sure minty. I should have jacked some more when I had a chance to. Asians sure has a problem with each other. Wonder what they are studying? Gosh darn it, now I'm really getting cold.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Maybe I should move into publishing.  At least I can write part time and make something on the side slightly if I know how to use it. Haven't heard Paramore in a long time. Reminds me of a time that a part of me wants to forget.But I must not forget the pain. Lets see what I need to do. I need to get gas, but I am not sure if I want to eat. Or want to eat anymore.  There's always many ideas the day before. It always comes down to if I want to eat and my ears are hurting from the ear phones because I forgot to bring my own. I made a mental note last night but that didn't happen.Slightly disappointed over the grand opening, maybe I had hoped for too much. Maybe better to keep expectations down. I'm not that hungie actually.

Monday, July 8, 2013


Good lord, don't remember the last time it was so hot I was really sweating and melting like ice cream. It's not really bad here, just not use to it. But I do need to develop new habits. This weekend was kind of urkish, some things were said that made me think and bother me. Am I really that much of a bee to honey? I do want to spend it but I don't think it's really like that at all or is it? Just because I wasn't something doesn't mean I am crazy over it.

I don't think I would feel smarter over night, it's just something to develop your thinking. I guess one thing I do like here is that there is a timer at the bottom so I can not dinker around as much.  I'm trying to think if I should pick up my meds now or later, but I will have to get them eventually.  I am trying to do more things.  To come up with my own patterns and reasoning.  Although they will not be 100% I need to tip the odds in my favor even if its a way of thinking. I thought I had less time, but I have more now. Anything too twinkly bothers me. At first I was burning up and now I actually am starting to feel cold. Now what is with the scary music?