Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Fishy is still not doing well.  I can not say for sure if he got worse or not, but still hiding in corners and sitting on the ground.  Starting to look more fleshy.  Not sure what to make of it, can only keep trying.  Changed some water and added some more meds and salt.  I just want to use it up instead of using 3 year old meds.  Still swelling and spotting. Really bummed about this.  Can't help but feel could have done better. Only time will tell, maybe sooner than you think.  The meds are strong, even I am burning. 

Starting to miss the bread and can't get the annoying song from yesterday out of my head today. Really need to get more stuff done and not spend so much time on looking for things if you can't get a lead in the first ten mins like the faucet and state car auction.  Could have had the book ready to go today but didn't. Really need to get on top of things and not let so many things slip. How will I do this?  Lately been distracted by fishy and the idea of getting another crab or a cat and car.   It has all gotten me off course of being productive and and have been feeling deterred.  Can't dwell on one thing for so much anymore. Why suffer when someone else can give you the answer. Why work so hard? Just ask someone when you can. Don't try to do it all on your own. Learn to use you resources.

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