Thursday, August 4, 2011

What's Going On?

Love: The Judgement

Touchstone: The Empress

Career: The Lovers

Everything moves very fast today, mel! Your communication skills are boosted by the combined influence of the Empress and Judgment, allowing you to hold forth with ease in front of a crowd. As a result, your vivacity and spontaneous air inspire a few imitators. People admire you and seek out your company. Your popularity could attract the attention of someone highly desirable… Go for it! In the professional sphere, you feel the strong desire to take some time to think before taking any action. It is typical of the Lovers to put a sprinkling of doubt on everything you do – or don’t do. Luckily, the Empress opens up the channels of communication and dialogue with the people around you. This at least helps you unblock certain situations where otherwise you have a tendency to simply withdraw into a quiet corner, and not say anything...

Today was more of a get it done lets get it over with kind of thing. Yesterday watched a thing about dying. Like a ghost haunting you. Thought about making this public, but for what reason? Do I need others input? Maybe better not or be considered sainess.

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