Thursday, August 4, 2011

What's Going On?

Love: The Judgement

Touchstone: The Empress

Career: The Lovers

Everything moves very fast today, mel! Your communication skills are boosted by the combined influence of the Empress and Judgment, allowing you to hold forth with ease in front of a crowd. As a result, your vivacity and spontaneous air inspire a few imitators. People admire you and seek out your company. Your popularity could attract the attention of someone highly desirable… Go for it! In the professional sphere, you feel the strong desire to take some time to think before taking any action. It is typical of the Lovers to put a sprinkling of doubt on everything you do – or don’t do. Luckily, the Empress opens up the channels of communication and dialogue with the people around you. This at least helps you unblock certain situations where otherwise you have a tendency to simply withdraw into a quiet corner, and not say anything...

Today was more of a get it done lets get it over with kind of thing. Yesterday watched a thing about dying. Like a ghost haunting you. Thought about making this public, but for what reason? Do I need others input? Maybe better not or be considered sainess.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Call

Daily Planetary Overview
Mind reader that you are, you grab hold of something, give it your undivided attention, and build upon it under an inspiring Mars/Neptune trine. Tonight's Libra Moon makes it easy to express the finer feelings of love's young dream. You and someone special may take leap of faith.

Your Horoscope - Today, August 3, 2011
Attempt to contact others in different states or foreign countries today could go awry, mel, as technological marvels that we tend to take for granted such as telephones and the Internet could go awry, perhaps due to solar flares. There isn't much point in making yourself crazy, as this is beyond human control. The only thing you can do is wait! In the meantime, do something else that you love to do.

Internets wasn't working very well and yet the phone suddenly rings. With whatw e call not the greatest news, but more interesting news. Not a good time, only if earlier or later. But at this moment, we hang in the balance. Where were you a few months ago? Is it like going back to a bad bf? Not there for you when you need, but calls you back when they feel like it. The time together is wonderious and never lasts. Is it worth it? Do I need or want a stone or a tree? Think there are a lot of things I do not know yet.

Not sure if it makes much or any difference. It all seems the same to me. Here in pain, but you go at your own pace. Not much nagging or pecking. But at either one, don't really feel like I'm learning anything or being productive. Here I guess there's more dinkering. Too many eyes over there and harder to get away. At first was excited, but now I have mellowed out and just seem disatisfied about everything.

What I like even more is how you don't have time to say get some work done but time to mingle in the corner.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Daily Planetary Overview
It's Mercury retrograde time again, when the planet attempts to retool thinking and communication processes. The optimum use? A second (or third) review of documents reveals flaws before - not after - the fact. Tonight explore previously hidden meanings when you replay your words in your mind.

Your Horoscope - Today, August 2, 2011
Your internal fire may be feeling a bit smothered by a fierce reality check today, mel. Give people the benefit of the doubt. They are more perceptive than you may think. In fact, it may behoove you to get some honest feedback today from some people you trust. It may be difficult for you to sort out the truth in your present situation since you are the one caught in the middle of the maelstrom. Consider the perspective of another.