Thursday, July 28, 2011

Why so Slow?

Why why why why why so slow. Is everyone like that. No one seem to care jack split or anything. Not like I haven't been plauged by procrastation either.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Outlook Research

I should have wrote something before, but I can't really if I did or not. I just remembered to do some research. The pay seems low and more complicated for a non chinese speaker like myself. Not sure if it's something I want to get myself into or even can. It's like a defalited balloon now knowing what I know. There are many things I know I want to try, but I know for some reason I want to end up here unless I can have it better there. But I lack in skill sets. Trying to imagin how good or crapy things can be. So many tedious tasks and that tooth chip is still bothering me.

It's not really that bad, or maybe that's what I like to think so I don't feel so bad. The events of last week was really bad. Things could have been planned better, but you just got to go with it. I can sit here and worry and not be excited about anything. I miss the excitment when I get an idea and go forth to do it reguardless because I knew I could make it work. Can I still do that? I am more hessatent and try to make do with less. I still want the passion.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Sharp Knife of a Short Life

Can I also say the same thing that I had just enough time? I am not sure. Guess it's more like mind your own business. You can be stingie, and yet let others be as or not as they want to be. Not to often anyone will blame you for not speaking up. They seem to rather you not speak up. More often than other even if they try to blame you for their short comings, they will reply that you never asked. But then they will always come back I didn't tell you to eat and yet you eat. Everyone just mind your own business. Everyone takes care of their own phone. And yet she had a chance to go buy a card from Best Buy but no.... Really can't be attached to anyone. When they fall, you will if not fall be draged along to the least bit.