Friday, July 18, 2014

Shiet People

  1. Get rid of shit people. Don’t ever try and make people like you and if a friend makes you feel like crap, they are not your friend. It took me till I was thirty to let go of the last one of these. Fuck them right off.
  2. Don’t spend any time doing a job you hate. You will be surprised about how resourceful you can be when you put your mind to it. We’ve been brainwashed into thinking its completely normal to be vaguely dissatisfied with our life because everyone else is. Please aim to break that mould.
  3. The solution is often Red Wine, Bread and Cheese. Yes, they all deserve capital letters.
  4. Our economy is built to make you buy shit you don’t need with money you don’t have. Ignore it. You don’t need any new clothes and you don’t need any new shit. Spent it on experiences, whether that’s socialising with friends or saving for a trip away. Use your money wisely.
  5. Drinking a lot of water does make you feel better and it’s free.
  6. If you need help, ask. Worst reply is no and you will be exactly where you already anyway.
  7. Don’t be in a relationship for company. Don’t be with somebody if you don’t love him or her. Don’t stay with someone because they are a ‘nice person’, Don’t settle. It shows lack of faith in yourself and what you deserve. Trust me, you deserve the best. Your soul mate deserves to meet you. Allow that opportunity to happen.
  8. Don’t neglect real friendship. I am totally and utterly head over heels in love with all my friends. Remind them how great they are, don’t forget to check in and spend as much time with them as you can.
  9. Travel, travel, travel. Not all those that wander are lost.
  10. Make sure, everyday you take action towards your dreams, however big or small. Don’t Stop. Keep Going. Be Strong.
Thank you x

 ‘Even death should not be feared by one who has lived wisely’ Buddha