Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Why be concerned?


Guess it's kind of nice in a bitter way to hear her upset.  Because you dun like it.  I must go just to show you.  Because I like it. Seems so selfish.  I think I have been to selfless and not taking care of myself first and was told bringing nice was best and how outspoken people were bad and opinionated that no body liked when it maybe the opposite.  It's the silent people that despise the active people that take charge and tell others what to do because it the silent followers that are voiceless and bitter and resentful.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Good dam it so cold


How dare you talk about respect when you only see people as pawns in the game of life. And you think I should expect you when you can reflect this kind of person?  I don't even my own or At least les of it now days.  Kind of have to see them as Children else it would drive yourself crazy.  I feel I want to do something bigger than myself. But something keeps holding me back in taking the risk.  Need to strategically place myself like in any game see your goal and keep working towards it.

Goodness nose drippy some reason. Is it the tea? Why You giving me the third degree when you're sister didn't go either.  Stupid anyways flapping your mouth and think your so cool. You have no idea what others think of you.  I the same. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Get over it

Its times like these you just want to tell to get over it.  Like thoes teen age girl that dun feel loved and feel of they had à baby then they will get the unconditional love they never got.  Like having a kid is a way to prove something.  They are not for you to fill your  emptiness.  You are to fill them with your happiness but how are you to when ur not happy with yourself.  How will you show them how to be happy when you your self is not happy.