Friday, December 21, 2012

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Lip Butters


Lip butters seem to be the new in thing. Red velvet and gum drop.  I do have really dry lips afterall. So it may not be such a bad thing. Only thing I can think of now to work on is to dry out the face and get it to peel to solve the redness and bumps.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Vision without Execution is Hallucination

Still really cold here. Read some reviews on some self help books. Some were more interesting than others. Got tooth drilled out yesterday. I feel as tough it hurt more this time around. Hopefully the pain will soon fade.

Monday, December 17, 2012


Just feeling really oogie today and cold. There are a lot of things I could say and also nothing at all. Not sure if it makes me feel better or not. I guess it would use to eat away at me more. Not so much anymore.

Sour Plum

 Why has to be such a sour plum? So picky over something as simple as pizza. Need more time and energy to work on things. Face recently peeling, due to tooth paste I think, but it's not actually a bad thing. Got to focus and work on specific tasks. Not sure how, but will find a way. Lots of tiny nagging tasks. Got to clear the area. Made some progress on clearing out the cloths. Continue to make progress.

So Dry

 In more ways than one.  I guess I never really looked at it, but today is really cracklying dry. Didn't even feel like eating taco salad and I really like taco salad. It's really uncomfortable, but it's getting better now for the moment. Head tired and kind of spinning. Not sure how I would handle school. Not that I don't feel poor enough already.  Not sure if i would surive at this rate. Something gots to change.


One day right?  And I thought they were like $500.  Who knew. I guess that's the price you pay for lamb skin.

Feeling Bad

And tired I sapose.  I did a boo boo. Not sure how it can be fixed. What I been looking forward to this week is suddenly gone. Baked potato urge is suddenly done. I just don't feel like it anymore after eating peanut butter samie. This is was tummy talking more. Not sure why so tired, it maybe from that dream last night. I don't recall it as well now. Something about a new partner a taller thinner fella trying hard to be like the other fellas.

Oh Good Lord: Scope

October 24, 2012
Some failures that you may have experienced over the past few days could have you beating yourself up today, Sagittarius. Perhaps you feel that you were too hasty or too sloppy and could have done things better. Don't obsess over it. Figure out what went wrong, learn from it, and let it go. Too much negativity directed at yourself is likely to sabotage future efforts rather than help them.

I have been dwelling this week over the things I need to do at work and personal issue I have not the courage to ask or to do. It really has been eating away at me. See if I can get it all done in a day and just get it over with. Though I still feel cold and I did eat something. Nagging tasks really eating away at me. Scared things will not work out, but you know usually things are worse in your head