Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Guess I some how find myself hear again. Looking back it's like I do not recognize myself. At a cross roads again. It's not just a fork in the road but more of a disillusion. Things have changed, not sure if for the worse or better. Things are different now. And so I have to change myself. Something needs to be done. I can feel it. It's like suddenly all these signs and little things are starting to make me to really think about it. To take serious and deep considerations. Feeling as though I am observing things happening around me and like a yu-gi-oh match, it's your move. Almost like pressure was building up for this moment. I need some direction. Things are so different since I was hear and I still find my way back. Thinking back to things that were. Can things once lost still be found? What prompted this was a single post on FB about a distance acquaintance of work and 11 credits of law school. Things may not be what you make think. You only know what you can know. 

Let me think, let me start over.  Let me begin again.