Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I'm Not Excited about you Either

I guess when I think of some of the complaints I have, I seem to have them myself as well. I don't like it when you do something when I do the same thing. I don't like you it when you don't, but I don't either. But the scary part is I know the reason why I do or don't do it, wonder if it's the same reason as well. It appears to be.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Bad Day

It's never a good thing in spite of all that has been going on, I turn to here. The day was bad and then it got worse. Starts off with errors and then more errors. Then the silly fear of the phone takes over and then I felt the judgment. Like no one is really teaching me anything at this point. Everyone is just doing their own thing, off on their own corner. Fish are still not well, I still am not confident enough to use copper treatment without a tester. Ending up buying a bunch of meds and then forgetting to buy a plant. But then again I should have enough for awhile. Can maybe even try to sell some of them when I get a chance. I figure I would work when is around. I can see why tam didn't like her, I don't really either. Too many question and too invasive. Like you do this you do that? Like telling how you should do it her way because it's more perfect and complete when another saids there's no one way or right way, it's what works best for you. But then again usually has a point. Then worse of all happen, teeth starts to hurt.. omg.. not now. Not ever, The pain.. and I don't have insurance. The stinging pain is all too familar. Not sure if I have been able to get over it in the past. Like Lu saids, when you got no one to turn to, you re the only one at this kind of time. I hope the issue is from a hard tooth brush. Also a pimple in vajay. Haven't had one in a long time. Thought the face would go away and it just appears somewhere else. I should have done better, but then when I try to do better, things get worse. In the past, I was warned about the stains. Then after a year no change so thought was okay. Maybe it has come back to bite me. Please Lord, will try and do my best for you. I don't know how much of this I can take. Please help me. Give me strength, wisdom, and guidance. I also have a mouth sore that I had before. Not sure if it's from the brushing. It's not as bad this time, but still bothersome. I pray for the day to be better in the morning.