Thursday, July 24, 2008


It's absurd. He really can't take no for an answer. He can't help but feel there's another reason? How well he thinks he knows me? Sure I want to travel but not now. I got my priorties and travel is not one of them. Sure I may or may not be able to do it later but why can't I do it later? If I really wanted to go then I will find a way. I don't need him telling me what I can or can't do. Sure it's a nice gesture and well meaning and my jaw did the stop drop and roll after he said what he got me. If he would do this for any friend then he can go travel with any of them. I don't know him well enough to travel with him anyways nor I have the money to. I don't want to travel and have to be restriced by money and say oh I can't do this or get that because I don't have enough. A part of me is mad at him, but I can't blame him. I know I be upset too ^^ But it wasn't anything I had to accept either way. So what's left to do. Seriously so many other things he could have gotten and not make this so diffucult for me. He's way too generious and it will get him into trouble when he does so much for people and doesn't get the appreciation in return. It's not that I don't don't appreciate the thought and well meaning of it, it pains me to have to turn it down. So wish he would have gotten me nothing or something else and not make this so hard on me. A trip would mean so much more to him than it does to me.